Æ: Section U: UTC+14: United Nations

MMXII August 16, 2022: Æ: Section U: UTC+14: United Nations:  With virtual politicians and virtual central governments still visible on television and on the internet, a defunct United Nations, said on July 23 of this year that the World Health Organization declared Monkeypox a global health emergency.

The new Monkeypox terrorism feels very similar in its global ambitions to the corornvirus terrorism which came before it.   Like conspiracies past, present and future, there are economic goals, political goals and ethnic cleansing goals tied into the Monkeypox conspiracy.   Despite the fact that presidents, leaders and central governments were virtual and fictitious at the start of coronavirus,  television and a corrupted  organizational and political alliance made corornvirus to appear like a global epidemic had occurred.  The same thing is happening again only Monkeypox has been added to the international terror agenda.

So what can we expect from this new Monkeypox terror?  The best way we can help ourselves is knowing that Monkeypox is another conspiracy.   And because it is a conspiracy we can be cautious and expect:

  • A news and information conspiracy with lots of terror and pictures
  • Ethnic cleansing strategies:  The announcement of a fatality ratio has been declared at: 3–6% of the world’s population.
  • Various conspiracies and diffused responsibility working together to spread the virus.
  • A statistical conspiracy with natural death being labeled as Monkeypox  just like they did with coronavirus
  • An effort by terrorists to try to spread Monkeypox psychologically and statistically using a conspiracy of information just like they did with coronavirus.
  • An effort to try to spread Monkeypox by manually infecting people with the disease in order to prove its existence
  • An effort to try to manually spread the disease globally.
  • An effort to achieve the Monkeypox fatality ratio by any combinations of means and strategies even through vaccines
  • An introduction of Monkeypox into human  blood streams.  This may come by vaccines, testing , a routine flue shot or some other form of terrorism or corrupt medical practice.

The fatality ratio has been declared at 3–6% of the world’s population.  Because statistical information is in a state of emergency, we will use seven billion people to factor the fatality ratio.  This translates to between 21,000,000-42,000,000 millions souls.   We believe to achieve this terrorists will use a statistical combination of natural death, death by accidents, death by other illnesses and death direct lethal injections.

In the Monkeypox conspiracy, the possibility exists that photographs of the burning and destruction of bodies and mass graves will be published by news agencies. Forced and emergency cremation strategies and stories of cremation might also be used so people can not verify the Monkeypox death of a loved one.  Horrifying and tragic stories and pictures of smallpox and monkey pox real or falsified will also be used by the conspiracy to spread terror.

Monkeypox may also come with some kind of social distancing strategy by saying the virus is transmitted from person to person.  Like coronavirus, Pet terror has been introduced into the monkeypox conspiracy adding Veterinarians and Veterinary medicine to the puzzle.  This effort to bring terror to pet owners, some of the best people in the wold, makes this new generation of Monkeypox terrorists worse than those which preceded them.

“The Aids Effect” terror combined with respiratory terror has been introduced by the Monkeypox conspiracy and already published is the statement that the monkeypox virus can be  transmitted by contact with lesions, respiratory droplets, and body fluids. Body fluids also include perspiration, mucus, semen and blood.

Demographic ethnic cleansing information states that Monkeypox is a viral zoonotic disease that occurs primarily in tropical rainforest areas of central and west Africa and is occasionally exported to other regions.  This reveals intentions to spread the disease.  Country’s in the tropics and Africa are two primary targets of militant white supremacy.   Large parts of Asia and  India, located between the tropical lines, are also traditional targets of white supremacy, cult and political terrorism.

Medical conspiracies always have business strategies related to pharmaceuticals and general business practices. Condoms, and bedding sales might be down. This might explain statement that monkeypox can be transmitted through body fluids and materials such as bedding. Bedding materials are often the same as clothes materials. Retail clothing sales may also be down.  Make sure to wash clothes and your sheets just like usual.

Lastly and most importantly is the comparison of Monkeypox to Smallpox and the desire make Monkeypox another global institution and economy just like Smallpox among others. Not enough of the most recent decision makers have recorded or taken into account the justice of God.  And so while the judgement of God continues to brings to justice the conspiracy responsible for and all business, organizational, political and medical conspiracies,  we can expect more domestic and  global terrorism.

It is important to remember that the corornvirus was also declared a global emergency and the psychological results were tragic. Psychological strategies for corornvirus and many conspiracies are still in effect.   Coronavirus was not a global emergency, but medical systems around the world are still acting as if it was causing the imposition of many unnecessary and dangerous rules restrictions worldwide as well as the occasional lethal vaccination.

Medical systems and doctors must be better students of terrorism, learn what nazism and white supremacy is  and learn how diffusion of responsibility is used to turn them and medical systems into instruments of death controlled by terrorists for purposes of ethnic cleansing while also making money at the same time.

Terrorists are people who only want to kill, terrorize and get rich or more politically powerful in the process.  What will become of people who do not know when to stop being terrorists?  The justice of God may be hard to perceive, but then it catches up with everyone.  Those who are sure that terrorism, aggression, oppression and inequality is being judged by God,  should make sure to communicate with people involved with medical, business, political and organizational terrorism whose actions are assured to bring more conspirators and more leadership which supports it,  to justice.

“Every conspiracy must stop!” declares the judgment of God.

Mass media political news and general information are in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, scientific information,   historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected.

MMXII August 16, 2022: Æ: Section U: UTC+14: W.H.O.  The World Health Organization’s emergency website in English & Spanish is a free public health service and may be translated into any language in the world.   

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